Monday, March 22, 2010

softimage basics: live composite as texture

softimage basics: an often overlooked feature texturing with live compositor built into soft means live tests before committing to a rendered sequence as texture source, and easier to drive compositor values via expressions ice etc.
Just apply a texture image to an object and in fxtree import it from the clip menu and insert any modifying node between the clip input and clip output nodes like vector paint.
Similar to Houdinis COP built in compositor, but unlike Houdini, Softimage live 3d renderings cannot be fed into the fxtree compositor, instead they have to rendered first, so live tests into its compositor cannot be made.
The ability to live composite textures within the same 3d app and relationally drive composite values from the 3d scene and visa versa is a very powerful feature in Softimage.
AFAIK the fxtree in Softimage is based on Matador, Avid Illusion, Elastic Reality, and rumored some Softimage Eddie?